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Yahoo! JAPAN Ads - Master Terms and Conditions

Master Terms and Conditions

Yahoo! JAPAN Ads - Account Review Guidelines

Account Review Guidelines (PDF)

Account Review Guidelines (Help)

Yahoo! JAPAN Ads - Advertisement Editorial Guidelines

Guidelines that relate primarily to the advertising content and quality of expression.

Advertisement Editorial Guidelines (PDF)

Advertisement Editorial Guidelines (Help)

Yahoo! JAPAN Ads - Advertisement Editorial Guidelines For Feed

Advertisement Editorial Guidelines For Feed (PDF)

Yahoo! JAPAN Ads - Competitive Restrictions

Competitive Restrictions (Help)

Yahoo! JAPAN Ads - Ad Insertion Rules (for Yahoo! JAPAN Ads)

Ad Insertion Rules (Help)

Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API Terms of Use

Terms of Use (Developer Program)

Yahoo! JAPAN Ads - Advertising Data Usage Standards

Advertising Data Usage Standards (PDF)

Advertising Data Usage Standards (Help)

Yahoo! JAPAN - Regarding Registered Trademarks

Request of Suspending Ad Delivery Based on Trademark Right

Restriction of the use of trademark by a third party on Search Ads

Yahoo! JAPAN Ads - Terms of Use of the Generative AI Services

Terms of Use of the Generative AI Services for Advertisers

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