Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads
We will start to apply it in stages from January 2025 and will be complete by the end of January.
*This date is subject to change.
To improve ad relevance, we will review the metrics used to calculate auction rank factors of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads.
Note that this change may result in changes to various figures in your account, such as the number of clicks, the click rate, and the lost impression share.
Check the different figures in the report, as the nature of the fluctuations will vary depending on how the account is set up.
In addition, we will disclose the factors that are important or have no impact on improving ad quality, rather than the factors that determine "ad quality."
Auction rank factors
There will be no change to the auction rank factor itself. However, the description in the help pages has been changed following a review of the calculation metrics for the factors.
The factors are as follows:
Ad quality
We will disclose the factors that are important or have no impact on improving ad quality, rather than the factors that determine "ad quality."
Important factors for improving ad quality
Factors that have no impact on improving ad quality
Download document to learn more about this topic.
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads
We will start to apply it in stages from January 2025 and will be complete by the end of January.
*This date is subject to change.
To improve ad relevance, we will review the metrics used to calculate auction rank factors of Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Search Ads.
Note that this change may result in changes to various figures in your account, such as the number of clicks, the click rate, and the lost impression share.
Check the different figures in the report, as the nature of the fluctuations will vary depending on how the account is set up.
In addition, we will disclose the factors that are important or have no impact on improving ad quality, rather than the factors that determine "ad quality."
Auction rank factors
There will be no change to the auction rank factor itself. However, the description in the help pages has been changed following a review of the calculation metrics for the factors.
The factors are as follows:
- Bid
- Ad quality
- What led internet users to search (the context)
- Lower limit of auction rank
- Competitiveness in ad auctions
- Effects of such as ad display assets
Ad quality
We will disclose the factors that are important or have no impact on improving ad quality, rather than the factors that determine "ad quality."
Important factors for improving ad quality
- Internet users’ using device
- High relevance to internet users' search intentions
- Past performance for relevant keywords when adding new keywords.
Factors that have no impact on improving ad quality
- Bid
- Account structure
- Ad delivery on our partner sites
- Ad position
- Frequency of the ad
- Conversions
Download document to learn more about this topic.