Jul 16, 2024

Display Ads: About pre-authorization when using AppsFlyer

July 16, 2024: The new specification of AppsFlyer became effective.
July 9, 2024: We announced this information.


Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads (Auction)
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads (Guaranteed)

July 14, 2024

All agencies running campaigns through Display Ads must be pre-approved due to the specification change in AppsFlyer starting on July 14, 2024.

We will add your agency ID to the list of authorized agencies after you let us know the ID. Let us know your ID through the inquiry form or email. Learn more

See the following announcement from AppsFlyer for details.
AppsFlyer Bulletin


  • We will notify you once your agency ID is on the authorized agency list.
  • It may take three to five business days to complete the addition to the list of authorized agencies.
  • Agencies not on the authorized agency list won't have their traffic measured for your ads, including your ad account. We are not liable for any loss or damage experienced by the advertiser or agency due to an inability to measure ad performance. This case includes late entry, failure to submit an entry, failure to add an ID, or any other reason.
  • The advertiser or agency is solely responsible for all matters relating to additions to the list of authorized agencies. Even if we approve adding the agency to the authorized agencies list, we do not guarantee the agency's suitability or any other matters.
  • If an agency ID is considered to be one that has not used Yahoo! JAPAN Ads for a long time, or if we determine that any of the reasons listed in each item of Article 12, Paragraph 1 of the Master Terms and Conditions exist, we may cancel the addition to the list of authorized agencies.